Lisa Nabors, a partner with Strategic Performance Group, is recognized by the International Coach Federation as a Professional Certified Coach (PCC). Nabors is a talented speaker and often makes presentations on the topic of coaching to industry and professional groups. She began coaching during her 16 years of experience as a successful, senior-level HR/training and development professional in private industry.
Her passion is in optimizing individual, team and organization performance, and her coaching clients include managers, executives and teams in organizations such as America Online, AARP, American Registry for Internet Numbers, Kaiser Permanente, U.S. Department of Education and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Her expertise includes gathering and feeding back data, cutting to the core issues, helping clients consider choices and then creating action plans designed to achieve specific, measurable results.
In addition to Nabors’ coaching practice, Nabors consults with clients in the private, not-for-profit and federal sectors and offers her expertise in the areas of strategic thinking, change management, leadership development and organizational change. She has facilitated hundreds of small and large group meetings, including a one-day Strategy Session on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Students held at the White House.
Nabors earned B.A. and M.Ed. degrees from the University of Maryland, where she also has completed doctoral-level coursework on leadership effectiveness. In 2007, she served as subject matter expert and editor for the ASTD coaching certificate program and delivered the program to an international class prior to ASTD’s International Conference and Exposition in Atlanta, Ga. She is an adjunct faculty member for Marymount University and George Washington University, and she is the coauthor of “The Dialogue Deck,” Leading From the Inside Out: A Coaching Model (Sage, 2002) and Organizational Coaching: Building Relationships and Programs That Drive Results (with Bianco-Mathis and Roman, ASTD Press, 2008).