America’s talent pool is shrinking, while the need for highly specialized workers is at an all-time high. Therefore, succession planning is no longer just about identifying potential executive replacements, it is about ensuring that you will have the future talent critical to your organization’s success and survival.

Strategic Performance Group can help you successfully plan for the future. Its research-based succession-planning methodology will help you to achieve the following:

  • Identify the key sources of your competitive advantage, the core functions that are critical to your organization’s current and future success and that distinguish you from your competitors
  • Identify the critical roles linked to these strategic functions, including incumbents who would be very difficult to replace
  • Identify the knowledge, skills, abilities and experience required for success in the business-critical roles
  • Employ talent segmentation techniques to map key employees’ potential and current performance against requirements for success in each critical roll
  • Create talent pools for each critical role
  • Design and implement development plans to prepare talent pools for critical roles
  • Retain talent pools until they can be deployed