Strategic Performance Group brings in-depth knowledge of leadership and group dynamics to all of our team development and coaching projects. The organization focuses on both the technical and social dimensions of teams and then transfers this knowledge to clients so that they are self-sufficient and high-performing long after SPG’s work is complete.

SPG incorporates the following elements of theory, research and practice in its team assignments.

  • Define the team mission – team members talk through, examine and ultimately “own” their purposes
  • Build team infrastructure – the team agrees on communication, decision-making and conflict-resolution strategies that are effective and efficient; expectations on what is to be accomplished are supported by commitments that detail how the work will be accomplished so surprises are minimized or eliminated
  • Create a dynamic space for multiple perspectives and straight talk – team members express their views, value dialogue and work to create shared meaning in service to the team?s goals
  • Promote collaboration – members work as individual contributors and effective collaborators in service to the team’s mission
  • Deliver as agreed – team members hold themselves and one another accountable for the contributions they make
  • Unleash the power of a high-performing team – the team is recognized as performing at a level greater than the sum of its parts

Many of the elements above are defined in the “team charter” created early in the process. SPG helps the team apply all of these elements to the team’s work, and as the team develops, SPG helps it to build on its successes, identify what it needs to do its best work and recognize how each member contributes to the ultimate success of the team. SPG brings in-depth knowledge of leadership and group dynamics to all of its team development projects and is focused on transferring this knowledge to clients so that, ultimately, they are self-sufficient and high-performing.